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After the critiques, I did some more sketches.

          Best regards..


  1. Dear Seyma,
    First of all, thank you for the nice visual presentation. I will briefly comment on some images.
    Image 1: The first idea group is still sticking too much to the classic representation of chess figures. Try to create your own representation.
    Image 2: Not sure if I get it so much. But what it made me think about is this: How about let’s say in your pawn you have a basic form with a dent of one or more spheres. Then, as you go up on the hierarchy, you collect spheres and have a more enriched form.
    Image 3. First Idea: You are using the same base but different tops for different figures. It is not really what we recommend. Moreover, your top elements are too 2D. Try to create more 3D forms.
    Image 3. Second Idea: Too undefined forms.
    Image 3. Third Idea: This could go somewhere. You can explore, attaching circular elements to each other with different angles, using more than one stick, etc. Cutting the circles, folding in another plane in order to make the elements 3D.
    Image 4. First row, again the ideas are 2D. Second row has more potential to become 3D but you need to think about how you want to represent each figure.
    Image 5. This is the most 3D approach you bring but still the figures are unclear. The main starting point is a bit like a chair. How about getting rid of that flatness. I don’t know what the material is but maybe you can think of folding certain areas to introduce new surfaces instead of removing them completely.
    I think overall, the problem is you think in 2D and you haven’t really figured out how to represent each figure. To overcome the representation issue, you can think of the hierarchic structure, their movement skills and powers. You can adapt the idea to a different scenario. You can pick up a theme like an art movement or sth, you can think of real life representations and think of your own expression. These approaches could help broaden your mind and set you free.


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